Thursday, January 21, 2010

How to Ventilate a Fireplace (Video)

Wood Stove Accessories
By: Bobby Hester
eHow Presenter

Learn about proper ventilation when lighting a fire, to make sure the air you're breathing is safe, plus expert tips on how to build a fire in a fireplace, in this free how-to video.

How to Ventilate a Fireplace -- powered by

Video Transcript
"Now this particular fireplace has a screen on it but there is different fireplaces where some of them have an actual glass door on here and some of them perhaps maybe like a cast iron fireplace. There are a few other things that you need to think about when you have those, the glass and the cast iron. This one has the oxygen free flow to the fire. The ones that have glass on it, you need to allow enough ventilation that the fire can continue to burn. The great thing about the cast iron and the glass ones is that you can control the ventilation of it. You can shut it down a little bit and it will lock more of that heat inside the fireplace. That way you are giving it just enough oxygen to burn being that the heat stays in there and actually the fire will burn a lot hotter with those applications."

Wood Stove Accessories